Most medium-sized dogs are calm, gentle, loyal, and easy to train. They are nice to have as friends. Find out about 11 breeds of medium-sized dogs, including their main flaws and good points. Here are 11 adorable medium-sized dog breeds.
The Border Collie
The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog that is friendly, very active, and smart. He is naturally protective and is known to be a great dog for herding.
- Lifespan: A Border collie can expect to live between 10 and 14 years on average.
- Size and weight: At the withers, a female weighs between 18 kg and 25 kg and is between 48 cm and 52 cm tall. A male can be up to 55 cm tall and weigh up to 28 kg.
- Physical characteristics: It is a pretty good-looking dog with a thick coat. Its fur is very good at keeping it warm and dry in bad weather.
- Character: a little bit sensitive. Pay attention to the Border Collie. It is very sweet and intelligent. It is the best thing for families to have.
- Living conditions: This kind of dog doesn’t belong in an apartment. This dog is very active and needs a lot of room to run around.
- Health: One of the largest dog breeds is the Border Collie.
The Brittany Spaniel
The Brittany spaniel was first used to hunt. Because of how strong he is, he is the best person to go on long walks with. He turned out to be a very good friend. He is happy, caring, and true.
- Lifespan: A Brittany Spaniel can expect to live between 12 and 14 years on average.
- Size and weight: Males and females together can weigh between 13 kg and 18 kg and be between 46 cm and 50 cm long.
- Physical characteristics: The dog has a nice coat. Most of the time, it is black and white or white and brown.
- Character: He is a quiet, calm, and smart dog. He is kind and gentle with kids. He is very protective and loyal, so he makes a great watchdog.
- Living conditions: The Brittany spaniel needs to get regular exercise, so it needs to go outside. It’s not good for living in an apartment.
- Health: He has a strong body, but he doesn’t know much about health problems.
The Boxer
The Boxer is an easy-going and smart dog. He loves to be held and is very attached to his owners. He likes to play sports and is brave. It was used to fight and go on hunting.
- Lifespan: On average, people can expect to live between 10 and 12 years.
- Size and weight: A woman weighs between 25 and 30 kg and is between 53 and 60 cm tall. A male can be up to 63 cm tall and weigh up to 35 kg.
- Physical peculiarities: It is easy to spot because of its big head and huge body, but it also has an annoying habit of drooling.
- Character: Both fun and caring. It is the perfect friend for kids. He is brave and keeps an eye out for strangers.
- Living conditions: The Boxer is a dog that likes to be outside and loves the great outdoors. It’s a great place for families with kids.
- Health: This dog can have trouble breathing because its nose is so short.
The Dalmatian
The Dalmatian is a smart and very protective dog. Most people know him from a Disney movie where he played the lead role. He can be a good watchdog, but he doesn’t always attack people he doesn’t know.
- Lifespan: On average, a Dalmatian can expect to live between 12 and 14 years.
- Size and weight: A woman weighs between 24 kg and 29 kg and is 54 cm to 59 cm tall. A male can be up to 61 cm tall and weigh up to 32 kg.
- Physical peculiarities: The Dalmatian is known for having a short coat with black and white spots.
- Character: He is a strong-willed dog who is also very sensitive. He can be hard to get along with and sneaky at times.
- Living conditions: The Dalmatian can live with anyone as long as he gets to go out often.
- Health: This breed of dog is more likely to have hearing problems and to get urinary stones.
The Siberian Husky
The Siberian Husky is a calm, well-behaved dog. It is a very popular breed among athletes. The Siberian Husky is well-known for being a good sled dog.
- Lifespan: A Siberian Husky can expect to live between 11 and 13 years on average.
- Size and weight: A woman weighs between 16 kg and 23 kg and is 50 cm to 56 cm tall. Males can be up to 30 kg heavy and are about 60 cm tall.
- Physical peculiarities: It has a thick, black, white, grey, or sand-colored coat.
- Character: The Siberian Husky is a dog that gets along with other dogs very well. He is kind and gentle, but sometimes he shows that he can do things on his own.
- Living conditions: This dog likes to live in big houses with lots of other dogs. This dog is used to the cold because it has a thick coat. It can’t handle a lot of heat.
- Health: The dog is very strong.
Labradors are always very friendly. It is a very loving pet that likes to be with its owners. It is often used as a guide dog for the blind because of how well it works and because it is the best working dog.
- Lifespan: On average, people can expect to live between 10 and 12 years.
- Size and weight: A woman weighs between 28 kg and 33 kg and is 52 cm to 56 cm tall. A male can be up to 61 cm tall and weigh up to 35 kg.
- Physical peculiarities: The Labrador has a short, thick coat. It keeps the bad weather away. Most of the time, it looks like sand, but it can also be brown or black.
- Character: He is a trustworthy, smart, and fun dog. He is nice to live with and is very kind to kids.
- Living conditions: Labradors are meant to live in the country. He is a dog who can’t stand being alone and needs to be loved and cared for.
- Health: This breed tends to get fat and has joint problems like dysplasia of the hip or elbow.
The Beagle
The Beagle is an excellent family dog. He is happy and having fun. There are different kinds of Beagles, including the tricolour, bicolor, speckled, and unicolor. He is a hunting dog, but he is also a nice pet.
- Lifespan: A Beagle can expect to live between 10 and 12 years on average.
- Size and Weight: Males and females can weigh 19 to 20 kg and are 45 to 50 cm tall.
- Physical peculiarities: Its hair is very short and thick. Its fur can handle changes in the weather very well.
- Character: He is pretty stubborn, but he is also very loyal. He likes to play with kids and is always hungry.
- Living conditions: He can live and do well in the city, but the country is where he feels most at home.
- Health: The Beagle is more likely to get diseases like obesity, hypothyroidism (when the thyroid gland doesn’t work right), and hip dysplasia.
The Australian Shepherd
The Australian Shepherd is a breed of dog that was made to work and be active. Mostly, this breed is used as a sheepdog. He is quick and smart, so he fits right in with the family.
- Lifespan: On average, an Australian Shepherd can expect to live between 12 and 15 years.
- Size and weight: A woman weighs between 19 kg and 26 kg and is 51 cm to 53 cm tall. Males can be up to 34 kg in weight and are about 58 cm tall.
- Physical peculiarities: This breed has a coat that is pretty long and soft.
- Character: He is a very friendly and active dog. He needs to learn more and work out more.
- Living conditions: It’s not made for living in an apartment. He likes houses with gardens because they let his active spirit run free.
- Health: The Australian Shepherd often has eye problems, like canine eye disease that runs in the family.
The Golden Retriever
One of the most well-known breeds is the Golden Retriever. People know him for his ability to work, especially as a guide dog for the blind and a rescue dog. He is also a friendly dog who is very good with kids. He is the perfect pet for a family.
- Lifespan: The average age of death for a golden retriever is between 12 and 14 years.
- Size and weight: A woman weighs between 24 and 28 kg and is between 51 and 56 cm tall. A male can be up to 61 cm tall and weigh up to 34 kg.
- Physical peculiarities: It has a long coat that can be flat or wavy and is usually a sand colour.
- Character: It is a friendly, loyal, and easy-going dog. It needs to be cared for and loved a lot.
- Living conditions: The Golden Retriever can live in a city as long as its owners stay close and take it out every day.
- He Even though he is a strong dog, he can get skin diseases like ichthyosis.
The Collie
The Collie is a great dog for a family to have. He is calm, gentle, easy to get along with, and kind to children. He is a very active dog who would be a great partner for sports. There are long-haired and short-haired types.
- Lifespan: A Collie can expect to live between 8 and 12 years on average.
- Size and weight: A woman weighs between 18 kg and 25 kg and is 51 cm to 56 cm tall. A male can be up to 61 cm tall and weigh up to 29 kg.
- Physical characteristics: This dog’s fur is very thick. His ears are small, and his body is long.
- Character: He is happy, friendly, and busy. He is a dog that pays attention and loves his owners.
- Living conditions: The Collie can fit in with any way of life. He must be taken out quite often if he lives in an apartment.
- Health: It is a strong dog whose coat helps it deal with cold and stormy weather. But he is prone to hip dysplasia, like all dogs his size.
The Chow Chow
The Chow Chow is a medium-sized dog with a lion’s mane that sets it apart from other breeds. This breed comes from Central Asia, and there are two types: those with long hair and those with short hair.
- Lifespan: A chow chow can expect to live between 9 and 12 years on average.
- Size and weight: A woman weighs between 24 kg and 28 kg and is 46 cm to 51 cm tall. Males can be up to 30 kg and are about 56 cm tall.
- Physical characteristics: He has a fluffy coat, a strong body, and an impressive mane on top of his head.
- Character: It is a dog that doesn’t want to play or show love. It is far away and very isolated.
- Living conditions: The Chow Chow doesn’t need much room. It is a dog that doesn’t need much activity. He is quiet and calm. He does a great job of getting used to living in an apartment.
- Health: It’s a very strong dog, but it can get out of breath very quickly, especially because of its thick skin and big fur.
These are the 11 best medium-sized dog breeds, and we say that they are also calm dog breeds.
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